WPC: Details

DSC_3462“For this week’s challenge, try to look past the big picture and take a more intimate approach. Zoom in on details in unexpected places.”

27 replies to “WPC: Details

    1. Thanks Eliza, and I’m glad you like it so much. I was noticing the pentagram, but hadn’t thought specifically of sacred geometry. I’m glad you pointed it out.


    1. Yes, it is a plant that I saw on one of my dog walks here in Southern California. It was growing wild. I’m sorry that I can’t tell you the name. I have looked on the internet and can’t find it. But I will keep looking, and if I find it I will add another reply. Thanks!

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    1. Thanks Laurie! I wish I could tell you what it is, but all I know is that it was growing along the path where I walk my dogs. But I do know a Looker when I see one!

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