Come Hither



A tumultuous spring bouquet in the Desert Garden at the Huntington Botanical Gardens, March 29, 2017.

12 replies to “Come Hither

    1. I think the barrel cacti are just full of personality, in the same way a performer is. And all the other little ones are beguiling in their own way. They’re all temptresses, and birds & bees & butterflies are happy to fall for their charms.

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    1. I could do a post every day for a year and not exhaust the opportunities in this desert garden. I’ve noticed many foreign visitors seem to especially enjoy it. The cacti are from all over the world, not just the Americas.

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      1. Yes, I imagine that would be possible. I am lacking in any knowledge of cacti; whether by time of year or geography, in the high deserts I like to visit, I haven’t seen many examples.


        1. I had to drive over to Phoenix at the end of March, and I was bedazzled by the color of the desert in this super-bloom year. The normally dirt-colored hills were covered in yellow & purple. The ocotillo in particular were stunning with their deep red blossoms. I kept wishing there was time & opportunity to pull off the road & take pictures.

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  1. What an astounding collection! I remember driving through the Utah desert one spring after a rainy stretch. The colors were simply spectacular. It sounds like this year was another one of those marvelous displays. Lucky you to have seen it even if you couldn’t stop to take pictures. All the more welcome after all these years of drought.

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    1. I think the desert spring bloom (especially the super-blooms) is objectively spectacular, and not just in contrast to the blinding drabness of late summer.
      Yes, I feel very lucky to have driven through the AZ desert in late spring.


Looking forward to your thoughts

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