

18 replies to “Fuzzy

    1. Well this is rather embarrassing. These are from today’s visit to the Huntington Library & Botanical Gardens. I visited the Library and photographed the placards next to the Gutenberg Bible and the Canterbury Tales, but I rarely do the same for plants.
      But I just added 2 more photos to show the full flower. 😦


    1. For sure not magnolia. They’re potted plants at the Huntington Botanical Gardens, and I just added 2 more images of the full blossoms. But sorry, I didn’t take a shot of the placard identifying the plant.

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    1. These shots were taken in the new & improved entry walk, before you get to the desert garden. Although, the desert garden is one of my favorite places for photography. So many birds & bugs & flowers. We will be jockeying for position!

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    1. Now that you mention it, they do look like Protea. I wouldn’t know a Protea from a proton except for A used to bring home armloads of Protea when she did the wholesale flower report when we lived in San Francisco.
      Yes, god is in the details.

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