
Southern California has an abundance of art museums.  One of them is the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena.

Norton Simon’s accomplishments as an art collector equaled his extraordinary achievements in business. Over a period of less than 30 years, he amassed what is widely regarded as one of the world’s greatest private art collections. His interest in art began in the 1950s with the works of Degas, Renoir, Gauguin and Cézanne. In the 1960s he shaped a major art collection of Old Masters, Impressionists and Modern works.

Every time I see one of Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings, I feel convinced that I knew him. I supposed that this is what great artists do–they speak so powerfully to us that there is no space between their art and our hearts.

It’s a delight to sit in the enclosed garden, have a bit of lunch, and walk the small pond & admire the flowers & sculpture.

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