WPC: Path

20161002_172458x(3 photos) This week’s photo challenge asks: show us what path means to you. Consider the journey you’ve taken this year (or where you hope to go in 2017) and share a snapshot of this personal path, whether figurative or literal.  This “King’s Men Stone Circle” was made about 4500 years ago by the Neolithic people of Britain.

20161002x I had a profound sense of connection and sacredness when I walked this path in England. For me a path is not a journey between a starting and ending place, but a discovery of meaning. It’s the perfect symbol of this holiday season.

This particular stone had a real presence for me. As I walked around it, I saw the form of a griffin. “Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. The griffin was also thought of as king of all creatures. Griffins are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions. … In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine.


11 replies to “WPC: Path

      1. I read that New Year’s for you is going to be in the high 40s/low 50s. That’s cold for you!
        And for the past few days that has been our temps and we think it is warm. ;-D Gotta love it. They are predicting a snowstorm tomorrow (I’ve heard anywhere from 3-12″… what a spread, eh?). I am so jaded by weathermen, I only believe it when I see it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It was quite cold (lows in the 40s & even 30s!!!) for several days this month. But today it was mid-70s so we went to the local botanic garden. It was gorgeous outside, and so nice to have all the windows open in the house today. There’s snow on the mountains which makes it just so pretty. We’re supposed to get more cool weather and even more rain on Friday & Saturday. As you say, it’ll be pretty cold for the New Year’s day Rose Parade, but it’s supposed to be sunny. Unbelievable. I’ve never known it to be other than sunny on January 1.

          That’s a lot of snow you’ve got coming tomorrow. Wow up to a foot! I would have fun watching that much snow falling, as long as I’m inside with a cup of cocoa.


Looking forward to your thoughts

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