WPC: Look Up

DSC_5934“For this week’s challenge, take a moment to look up.”

Back in June 2015 I looked up, and saw  a monarch butterfly overhead at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden.

19 replies to “WPC: Look Up

  1. Lovely shot of the Monarch. We have a bunch of viceroys at the new/old house down south. I’ve been reading up on them and they mimic the look of the monarch as a protective mechanism. Monarchs feed on milkweed, making them unpalatable… so it seem that our Viceroys avoid being eaten because of the similarity. But they seem to prefer browsing on our ubiquitous blackberry blossoms. What a strange and wonderful world we live in.

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    1. I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t even know what milkweed looks like. But I did order some milkweed seed packets, in hopes of encouraging them to not decline further. I get to see Monarchs pretty regularly. Lucky me.


    1. Thank you Val. I feel blessed every time I see a Monarch. I was working out in the yard today in the sweltering heat, and I saw one flit by, headed toward my flowering “Sweet Memory” bush. Twice blessed.

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  2. Oh, I wish I would see a monarch on my milkweed plants! (My last post has a photo of my swamp milkweed, if you are curious.) In the meantime I will use your fabulous shot to envision one (or ten) coming to visit them! 🙂
    I’ve been thinking of you all and hoping all is well out your way. ❤

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