Feast For Four Senses


A trip to the Huntington Gardens yesterday was a feast of sight and smell and sound and touch. A huge and aged grape vine bursts the confines of its pergola, dazzling visitors with heavenly canopy of tiny grapes.


Electric blossoms,  darting hummingbirds and butterfly showers slowed our progress as we headed for the herb garden. Touring plots of cosmetic herbs and medicinal herbs, we pressed leaves between our fingers to discover the fragrance of each. What a delight for all the senses! Of course we refrained from tasting, but sound and sight were also satisfied.

Who could imagine (not I, certainly) that a flower of a single color could be so beautiful?

8 replies to “Feast For Four Senses

    1. Eliza, you’d be in horticulture heaven at the Huntington! Let me know when to expect you — perhaps in January or February? On any given day its one delight after another.


    1. Thank you Gunta! It’s probably my most favorite place in LA, because there are so many ways to spend an hour or two. Altogether, I’d be hard-pressed to see the whole place in one day — 120 acres parceled out into 12 gardens, plus European art and American art. Because it’s SoCal, there’s also a gallery devoted to the decorative arts of the architects Greene & Greene. What’s not to like?


Looking forward to your thoughts

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