Weekly Photo Challenge: Shadowed

Check out all the great shadowed interpretations here.

43 replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Shadowed

    1. Well thank you so much, Gunta! It is indeed an egret. I took it at a man-made lake made for water reclamation, called Lake Balboa. It’s smack in the middle of the suburbs. There are so many egrets and black crowned night herons, and geese and ducks and guys fishing from the edge, and canoes for rent. I always keep my camera on continuous shooting mode, hence my good fortune. Here is an earlier post of the same egret, I think.

      Fish Dinner

      Liked by 1 person

    1. When a fine photographer like you gives me a compliment, I carefully put it in a large Mason jar and keep it for those rainy days. Thank you Susan.


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