The Grateful Heart


Across the WordPress world are bouquets of appreciation from grateful hearts. They are like early gifts under my tree this holiday season.  I was delighted by each one as I unwrapped it.

Josh the musician proposes an exercise in awareness on the Kindness Blog:

“I’m inviting everyone to make their own beacon trees. Simply decorate a tree, shrub, etc, with red Christmas lights, and put the reports of good deeds on it like festive ornaments.”

John the rancher transforms trials of the California drought into incense of wisdom at Dry Crik Journal:

“… this blessing of basics disguised as disaster”

Gigi the artist glorifies another artist’s creativity at Rethinking Life:

“Spend [your gifts] lavishly,
like a millionaire intent on going broke.”

 Now that I think more about it, each time I open a post on the blogs I follow, what I’m really doing is opening a gift that someone else discovered and wanted to share, like a millionaire intent on going broke.

10 replies to “The Grateful Heart

  1. Thank you Eliza! Yes, it’s a river of delight. When you get tired you can rest and look at that lovely blanket of light and shadow that you shared with us. I really love that one. As for me, now that the rain has stopped, I have a field of Oxalis waiting to be “harvested”.


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