Monumental Good Taste

My very most favorite place to visit in all of San Francisco is the California Palace of the Legion of Honor.  Our visit started with lunch in the Museum’s cafe, which offers a nice menu of French food and wine. Then on to the collection, which includes many Rodin sculptures, paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyke, Rubens, and many more great artists.

Click any picture below to see a larger view of it.

This museum is an absolute gem. The building is a replica of the Palais de la Légion d’Honneur in Paris. Alma Spreckels, wife of sugar magnate Adolph Spreckels, persuaded her husband to build the museum. It was dedicated to the 3,600 Californians who died in France in World War I.  The museum’s site is Lands End, which overlooks the Golden Gate and the city of San Francisco. In my opinion there’s no better vantage point in the entire city.  Perhaps you will agree?

18 replies to “Monumental Good Taste

  1. Tsk, Tsk😒
    How could I be amiss in putting this on the top of my must see places to see in SFO! So majestic , quite lovely to visit !
    Thank you for putting it on the map for us ….


    1. I could enjoy an Art Deco exhibit any day of the year. Lucky you! You’re the only other person I know who’s visited the Legion of Honor. It is the greatest spot in the city, don’t you think?

      Yes we had superb weather. A bit of fun misty fog in the morning, and then sunny the rest of the time. On the way out a bit of rain, but that was soon lost behind us.


      1. It is one of those ‘quiet’ museums that doesn’t get a lot of press. The grounds are nice and there were quite a few folk just hanging out.
        Sounds like a great visit. It is one of the few cities I actually like visiting.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You could easily spend a whole day there, Susan. The views alone are a treasure, without even stepping inside. And the collections include the best of the best. It’s a don’t miss.


  2. Your recent posts remind me of when I served in the 30th Military Police Battalion at the Presidio of San Francisco in 1969. The two story stucco building I was housed in was at the north end of the Presidio just a few hundred yards away from the south leg of the Golden Gate. I was in a top window bunk so at night, when I lay on my right side, I could look out the window and see Alcatraz and its lighthouse just to my left. Straight in front of me, across the bay, the lights twinkled in the hills in the Peoples’ Republic of Berkeley. I miss the foghorns and the smell of eucalyptus. (I also miss the of patchouli oil and the smell it was covering up.) It was a fantastic time for a young kid to be living in San Francisco. Unfortunately I was not into photography at the time so no Kodak memories.


    1. What a wonderful posting it must have been, to be in San Francisco and at the Presidio in 1969! That was the year I graduated from high school, and everyone wanted to get themselves to SF. Even without the assistance of herbals (or white wine), it is a magical place — that tip of the peninsula, and its views — indeed, the entire city. I think certain places on our planet that have their own unique vibration, like the places in our bodies. I know I sound like I’m from Berkeley (and I am, at heart), but I really have experienced these differences. In fact, I would venture to say that the experimentation and upheaval of ’69 SF was because the energy was there and drew people to it.

      I have always wanted to walk around the Presidio, and down to Baker’s Beach, but I never seem to get the time. Next trip!

      Thanks so much for your comment, David. It brings back my own memories of that period.


  3. I’m actually checking a map to see why I haven’t been there… I imagine never enough days at a time in the city. My last visit was a weekend with Kat three years ago, using a hotel reservation my son couldn’t keep, while we visited SF Pride for him. It was a great time, we walked the city from one end to the other, but not this end obviously.


    1. It’s really a don’t miss, Sue. Like the Huntington in the sense that you have your choice of beautiful outdoors, or beautiful galleries to walk through.


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