The Soothing Sound Of Falling Water

All of Southern California so grateful — it finally rained! Water started falling late Halloween evening, abruptly terminating our trick-or-treat count at 80 kids.

We celebrated the rain by visiting the Huntington Library, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens both Saturday and Sunday. The art collection alone is worthy of several all day visits. But since I live just 7 miles away, I make frequent half-day pilgrimages. There’s a fine collection of European and American art, including the famous “Pinky” and “Blue Boy” paintings which are displayed in the former Huntington residence.

My entire house could fit easily in the Huntington house entry hall. Several times.
My entire house could fit easily in the Huntington house entry hall. Several times.
View from 2nd floor landing.
View from 2nd floor entry landing.

The galleries are an option if rain falls (rarely) or if it’s too hot (frequently), but our visits usually focus on the botanical gardens. Upon entering the estate one walks through the camellia garden, shaded by huge old oak trees and populated by many happy squirrels.   After walking past the house, a rose-draped pergola is announced by the sound of falling water.


DSC_0297_edited-1The Huntington’s gardens cover 120 of the estate’s 207 acres. There’s a desert garden, a Japanese garden, a Chinese garden, a subtropical garden, an herb garden, a jungle, and a palm garden. Water features and water sound-scapes are found throughout.

DSCN3033_edited-1DSC_0482_edited-1DSCN3035_edited-1Visitors are soothed by the sound of tiny waterfalls everywhere, gently flowing water, and ponds inhabited by beasties of the lagoon.


DSC_3970_edited-1DSC_0414_edited-2DSCN2942_edited-1A tiny drop of water balanced on the edge of a tiny pond plant gave us a special treat.


18 replies to “The Soothing Sound Of Falling Water

    1. You will love this place Eliza, no matter what season. All the plants are identified with little name tags, just like the paintings are! Pencil in about 4 days for this one.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Now that you mention it Peter, the view from the 2nd floor window does have the feel of a painting. It’s well framed, and I’ve seen many trompe-l’oeil paintings that use this same “deception”. I like the curve of the driveway and the leading lines of the statues taking the eye to the palm trees and the mountains & clouds. Good insight!

      Yes, the koi was my personal favorite too. When I take a big basket full of pictures, I quickly go through them & mark them 3-star, 4-star or 5 star. Mr. Fish was my only 5-star.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you David for taking the time to comment. I absolutely love fountains – the very idea of them, the sharing of water with birds, the sound, the sparkle.


    1. It’s a treasure of the two worlds I enjoy the most – art and nature. I’d be most happy to share it with you in person if/when you head south. It would take two or three more posts just so share the last visit, and that was nowhere near the whole enchilada.


  1. You have a beautiful collection of photos here!! The little boy, priceless. And, the little house perched on the stone island with bamboo reflections – awesome! I’m ready for another visit. I’ll bet it was nice the weekend of the rain!!


    1. Thank you so much Sue. I am so fortunate. As you say, it is a beautiful place. I was actually trying to capture the falling water, but I don’t really know why this attempt worked when others didn’t. I will have to try again to see if I can understand better.


    1. Thank you Gigi, it’s an honor coming from you!
      Yes, the Huntington is a truly magical place. We have an annual membership because there’s just so much to see. And of course the gardens change continually, depending on the weather and the “season” (sic)..


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