Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

DSC_6389_edited-3This week’s photo challenge is TEXTURE: share a texture found in an unexpected place. It could be made of natural materials, as in these images, or with man-made objects.

This photograph was taken on a glorious January morning walk through my beloved Arroyo Seco park, where a modest stream meanders through cattails, eucalyptus and sycamore.

Enjoy other examples of texture here.

23 replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture

  1. I absolutely love it there, and I’m lucky that it is only 10 minutes from my house. I’ve used it in quite a few of my posts, because it’s just so darn pretty. And I also notice that the happier I am in a space, the more I photograph it.

    Thanks Sue!


  2. As a kid, we believe that when that lands on your hand, you can make a wish and blow it again to the wind. Good thing I am never a wishy kind of person. Awesome capture, great details.


Looking forward to your thoughts

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