The New Normal?


It’s been in the mid-80’s the last few days. Same is expected for the rest of the week. The average high for February is 69F. Is this the new normal?

18 replies to “The New Normal?

    1. And you are getting smothered in snow. I read that species are moving north. I think they’re smarter than our Congress.

      The orange berries are our Sweet Memory (duranta) shrubs. I love them.


        1. The Sweet Memory has lovely distinctive small purple flowers, which bloom along with the berries. So it is decorated in purple & gold. We have several varieties of duranta. One has solid green leaves with gold berries & white leaves. Others have variegated leaves with pale purple flowers. They are all quite beautiful. One of these days I will have to do a post just on our Duranta. They are the bee’s knees. And butterflies just love them.


  1. We are freezing. It’s so cold today. It’s 10 right now and dropping to 1 tonight. The wind makes everything worse. I’m happy you are warm and toasty. I still have tons of snow on my patio and everywhere else.


    1. I am sorry that you’re in deep freeze. The difference between the midwest + east coast, and the southwest, is radical. It’s not just warm and toasty. It’s too warm, and it’s scarey that the plants know that the season has nothing to do with the calendar.


    1. I agree, crazy all over the country. It’s a deal — we need all the snow we can get to powder the tops of our mountains, giving us melt in the spring for our water needs. It’s going to be another thirsty summer here.


  2. We just traveled south and back again. It was truly shocking to see the Sierras without the usual snowpack in February and the dried up lakes and reservoirs. Scary stuff. Even here at home, we’ve had some rain (we left during torrential downpours), but not nearly enough for this time of year.

    Then again the lighting on the grapes is utterly marvelous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, Gunta. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles are utterly barren of snow pack. And back East they are going through the opposite. Where’s a girl to go?


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