The Tension Of Transition

DSC_3046_edited-2This photo was taken on my evening walk yesterday, at the dinner hour, when my neighborhood enjoys the cooling off time. As I study this scene I am astonished and grateful to see the synchronicity all around us. Let me explain.

It’s been a difficult couple of weeks. I’ve set several goals for myself, goals for which I feel utterly inadequate. It’s my lifelong habit to see my world  as static:  who I am today versus who I was yesterday versus who I want to be tomorrow.  I create immense stress for myself. My goals (and feelings of inadequacy) are reflected in two of the books open beside me:  A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, and Writing From The Inside Out by Dennis Palumbo. As I was reading the Writing book this morning I came across this passage about writer’s block:

Imagine it like this: You, the writer, stand on one plateau, staring across a chasm at another plateau at a slightly higher elevation. You want to make that creative leap to the next plateau, but your fears and doubts hold you back. … What exists in that tension–old beliefs, self concepts, past writing experiences, etc.–is what needs to be explored an understood.

And then it hit me. My habit of viewing my world as a sequence of static states is the cause of my suffering. I fail to bless and welcome and be grateful for the process. How many times have I heard the aphorism: “the journey IS the goal” and I just say (smugly) yeah, yeah, I get that.  Except when it happens to me.

And so in the midst of my distress I went for a walk yesterday evening, and these beautiful kids were skateboarding along a bumpy path, and other people were walking the same path. The Universe blesses us with synchronicity to remind us that we’re on the path of our choosing. Or, to quote another aphorism: “Coincidence?  I don’t think so!”

17 replies to “The Tension Of Transition

  1. Very thought-provoking post! You’ve popped a memory back into my head–a poem I wrote when I was 15, starting like this: “It’s a long long road, but I’ll come to the end someday, and I hope that by then I will have found the fruit of my search, that I will have tasted its sweet flavor, that I will have been content with it…”
    You’ve reminded me the journey is the priority! Thank you. ~SueBee


    1. Thanks Sue for your thoughtful comment. I hope that your journey has surprised and delighted you, and expanded your initial expectation in ways you hadn’t imagined!


    1. I think that once we begin to notice these “coincidences”, and then see that they have a pattern, and the pattern is personal and relevant – then we see even more synchronicity in our lives. Although I have no doubt that synchronicity is real, it still surprises and delights me.

      I’m glad you enjoy the boys expressions as much as I did! Thanks for taking the time to comment, Seeker.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How beautifully you expressed this great truth. Have you read Jim Redfield on synchronicity? He explains how synchronicity is the language of the universe striving to converse with us. May all be well with you, WG


    1. Thank you WG for sharing this with me! I’ve not heard of Jim Redfield, but I will go immediately and check him out. I like this definition, and it conforms to my experience. Blessings to you also.


      1. 😉 Redfield began his adventure with The Celestine Prophecy, and has told the adventure of his seeking over a series of several books. I resonate with his premise that “beauty” raises our vibration and brings us into alignment with the One, so that we can access information and guidance we normally don’t perceive. I find this to be true in my own experience, and find the clear guidance of synchronicity when I am in that state of appreciation and love. The journey spirals 😉 May all be well with you, WG


  3. A great post, thankyou for sharing and reminding us that when we open our eyes to the gift of life we see our truth and remember why we are here and what is important.


  4. Sorry to be so late commenting here. I feel so behind! I loved your seeing the synchronicity of events, connecting the dots so to speak. I’ve been amazed a lot lately about how the Universe has been lining things up. I’ve been reading Caroline Myss’ ‘Sacred Contracts’ and that is accentuating it as well.
    Have a great holiday weekend.


Looking forward to your thoughts

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