Keep The Light On

This weekend’s adventure was the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California.

DSC_4370_edited-2The place had more kids than an elementary school playground. Bravo, parents!

DSC_0611_edited-1I find it quite difficult to take decent pictures in aquariums. I mean, how do you know if that jellyfish is the size of a Volkswagen or a loaf of bread?

SAMSUNGHow do you provide a sense of scale without a human in the frame?

DSC_4308_edited-1My personal preference is for the critters that light up.

SAMSUNG“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”
― Leonard Cohen


11 replies to “Keep The Light On

  1. Photo #2: are they really phosphorescent or is it a trick of lighting? You got some amazing shots despite being behind glass. The details in the jellyfish are amazing. The dots behind them look like stars and they are celestial bodies!


    1. No trick photos or special lighting, Eliza. All the ones that look phosphorescent ARE that indeed. The little jellyfish in the last shot is called a comb jellyfish. Its lights actually “run”. Hard to describe, but check out the little video here on Wikipedia.
      My cellphone seemed to do a better job than my fancy camera. It was so dark inside, and so many of the fish darted around pretty fast, so I picked the shots of the slow moving fish. You’re right, the big jellyfish scene looks very celestial!


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